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Finally, after 14 months of pause, we are back to making music! I have recently added concerts and shows to the TOUR page. Visit there for the performance calendar and ticket information.
Visit me on PAYPAL at:
or at PayPal.Me/BassoBossa
Or VenMo at Kim-France-6
The Sails and Songs Waterfront Tour did not turn out as I expected, but a sailing adventure with musical interludes DID take place during the "Pandemic Pause". I will have a page devoted to it someday, and a way to view some video, so stay tuned!
Visit the Johnson City Symphony Orchestra website for updates as our concert season develops.

Aaron Burdett released Dream Rich Dirt Poor July of 2021. Get yourself a copy at!
Appearing with Aaron Burdett Trio, Molasses Creek, Belleville Rendezvous, Shane Chalke Jazz Trio.
Molasses Creek has finished working on the newest album. You can pick yours up, or listen online at Molasses Creek's website.
Shows with
Johnson City Symphony Orchestra,
Aaron Burdett Trio,
Molasses Creek, and
Belleville Rendezvous
Appearing with Belleville Rendezvous, the Johnson City Symphony Orchestra, and Molasses Creek. Click below for more info.
Appearing Solo, and with Aaron Burdett Trio, The Mercury Dames, Shane Chalke Jazz,
the Johnson City Symphony Orchestra, and Belleville Rendezvous. See below for more info.
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